Resilience 360 Feedback

Resilience 360 Feedback

What's included?

Increased resilience leads to employees with improved self-esteem who feel in control. This 360 will identify areas of good resilience and where additional resilience would be of benefit.


 per item

Additional information

All businesses need resilience.  This has become especially apparent in recent years with the challenges that been thrown at us.  Navigating these challenges and emerging, successful at the other side requires resilience. A resilient business has resilient staff.  

Resilience helps you tackles stress, deal with differing priorities, address workplace conflicts and overcome challenges.  It helps you bounce back when things are getting you down, but is also important to mental wellbeing.   

Resilience can be built.  Increased resilience leads to employees with improved self-esteem who feel in control, have better job satisfaction and engagement.  This 360 will identify areas of good resilience and where additional resilience would be of benefit.  

The elements of Resilience in this 360 feedback are: 

  • Toughness 
  • Optimism 
  • Networks 
  • Purpose 
  • Humanity 
  • Steadfast 
  • Experience 
  • Judgement 

Results are presented in a clear, understandable report with graphs showing results by category and by question, split by feedback group. Free text responses respondents the ability to add real world examples and suggestions.   

Once you have purchased your 360 feedback, you will receive an e-mail link to your set up page to nominate respondents to provide feedback.
