You can nominate as many colleagues as you wish, however we suggest 8 to 12 colleagues as a good number. These should be people with whom you work closely or who know you well.
If you see the login screen below, please close your browser window then click back on the link in the e-mail to access your feedback. The link has the login details incorporated in it so will take you directly into your feedback. If this happens repeatedly, please contact
Your responses are saved each time you click Next. If the questionnaire appears to be stuck, please close your browser window then click back on the link in the e-mail to return to the questionnaire. Your progress so far will have been saved and you can click past your responses to finish completing the questionnaire.
If you link does not appear to work, please contact We will send you a new link to your feedback.
If you colleagues have not received the link to your feedback, please visit your set up page. From here you can check that there are no errors in the e-mail addresses and resend the links.
To amend an e-mail address, type the correct address in the Email Address box, then click the Save icon. To resend the link to your colleague, click the envelope with a green arrow icon.
You can add or remove colleagues at any time. To add a colleague, enter their details on the next free line in the colleagues table on your set up page, then click the Save icon. If you need more lines to add colleagues, click the Add More button above the colleagues table and more spaces will appear.
To remove a colleague, click the red X for the relevant colleague. Please note that if they have already provided feedback, that feedback will be deleted and cannot be retrieved.
From your 360 feedback set up screen, you can check who has provided feedback and who is yet to do so. There is a percentage completion indicator displayed next to each colleague in the colleagues table. Automatic reminders are sent from the system, however you can send a personal reminder to anyone who has not yet filled in your questionnaire.
At the start of each questionnaire it will be clearly stated if the feedback is anonymous. However if you are the only person in a category, e.g. the only Line Manager, your feedback may be identifiable.
Your responses are saved each time you click Next. If the questionnaire appears to be stuck, please close your browser window then click back on the link in the e-mail to return to the questionnaire. Your progress so far will have been saved and you can click past your responses to finish completing the questionnaire.
You can revisit your feedback at any time until the close date. Please click on the link in the e-mail you received to go to your feedback where you can review your responses. If you can’t find the original link, please contact and we will resend the link.
Feedback can still be submitted after the close date. If you are submitting your feedback after the close date, please let the participant know. They can then download an updated copy of their report incorporating your feedback.
Please contact if your link is not working. We can send you a new link to access the feedback.
We suggest around three weeks for a 360 exercise. Participants are given one week to choose colleagues and enter their details into the system. Colleagues then have two weeks to respond to the feedback before the close date.
After the close date, the reports are generated. If feedback is given after the close date, an updated report can be downloaded from the 360 feedback system
The most successful 360 feedback is backed up by good communication from the organisation. We suggest that you e-mail all participants beforehand, letting them know that the feedback is coming and asking them to set aside time to nominate colleagues and complete their self-assessments.
A communication to all colleagues is also suggested, asking that they take time to fill in the feedback. The tone of the communications should make it clear that the feedback is not a box ticking exercise, but a useful development too and that action will be taken as a result of feedback given.
Yes, we can run 360 feedback in other languages. Our standard 360 feedback is currently only available in English at the moment, however our 360 feedback system can offer questionnaires in multiple languages.
If the multi-language option is selected, participants and their colleagues receive a choice of language at the start of the questionnaire. Communications can be sent and elements of the report provided in in your preferred language. If you would like to set up a 360 programme in another language, please contact us on
Our standard 360 questionnaires are designed to cover the key elements of their subjects. If you would like to change, add or remove questions, we can set up a bespoke 360 feedback questionnaire for you. Please contact to discuss your requirements.
Each question is made up of four sets of three words. Firstly, choose the set of words that is most like you and rank this 4, then choose the set of words that is next most like you and rank this 3, then
choose the set of words that is third most like you and rank this 2 and finally choose the set of words that is least like you and rank this 1.
For each question you should have a set of words ranked 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each set of words must be ranked and you cannot rank two sets of words the same or the system will now allow you to proceed.
If the system will not allow you to proceed to the next question, please check that you have ranked each set of words. Each set of words must have a different ranking, e.g. you cannot rank to sets of words as 3.
For each question you should have a set of words ranked 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each set of words must be ranked and you cannot rank two sets of words the same or the system will now allow you to proceed.
You may feel that all four sets of words describe you, or that none of them do, however it is unlikely that you will feel the same about all four options. Try not to give each question too much thought. Read the four options and go with your gut instinct on what sounds most like you.
This ranking process helps us to separate out the different personalities and select statements for the report that will really reflect you.
At the moment the Persona Personality questionnaire and report are only available in English. However if you would like to partner with us to translate the questionnaire and report statement databases into other languages, please contact
Yes, your responses are anonymous. There is a note at the start of the questionnaire to say that all responses are anonymous.
Depending on the questionnaire, your response may be analysed by department or other analysis group; this is specific to the organisation undertaking the survey.
After the close date, the survey report will be provided to your organisation who will then communicate the results to the participants.
A successful survey starts with good communication about the survey and its purpose to those who will be completing it. We will provide updates on completion rates so that you can send out reminders to encourage people to complete the survey. It also helps if those who are completing the survey know that action will be taken as a result of the survey.
Setting the tone from the start is important, so people know it is not just a box ticking exercise, but something that will inform future decisions in the organisation.