Persona Personality Overview

Persona Personality Overview

What's included?

The Persona Personality Overview is the light, one page version of our Persona Personality Profile. It gives an outline of your personality, strenghts, development points and the attributes you bring to a team for an affordable cost.


 per item

Additional information

The Persona Personality Overview is the light, one page version of our Persona Personality Profile.  It contains a brief overveiw of your personality, bulleted strengths and development points plus a paragraph on the attributes you bring to a team.

Participants complete the Persona questionnaire and then receive their report via e-mail in pdf format.  The report includes a graphical representation of your personality and your position on the team wheel.

How it works

Please add the names and e-mail addresses of your participants to this spreadsheet template and upload it at the Shopping Cart stage using the Upload E-mail Document button.  Each participant will then receive an e-mail link to the Persona Personality questionnaire.  Once they have completed the questionaire, the reports will be e-mail to you in pdf format.
